South Kilburn estate, Brent
Circa 800 homes remain under threat of demolition at Brent's redevelopment of the South Kilburn estate.
The redevelopment of the current proposals for the South Kilburn estate are based on the 2017 approved masterplan..
The first phase of the scheme has seen four sites (marked in blue below) granted planning permission and which are currently underway. As of July 2019 there remained 17 blocks in the second half of the scheme earmarked for demolition (shaded orange), but these are yet to seek planning consent - see this Cabinet report, item 7.

A ballot of residents in the second phase of the scheme returned a positive result in Oct 2019.
There are no publicly available section 106 agreements for the consented phases so it is impossible to confirm whether the replacement 'social' housing will be social rent or affordable rent (up to 80% market rent).
It is also a breach of the legal “principle of equivalence” which says that persons affected by compulsory purchase should be no worse off in financial terms after the acquisition.
UCL Bartlett's Dr Pablo Sendra is currently working with residents on the estate to create an alternative community-led plan, which satisfies the Council's regeneration objectives while retaining the estate's existing buildings.
You can read a summary of the plan here or the full report here.
There is also a presentation of the plans by Dr Sendra online here:
In february 2022, the Guardian published a detailed critique of the scheme.