Maryon Grove estate, Greenwich
172 homes on Greenwich's Maryon Grove estate in Charlton have been earmarked for demolition by Greenwich Council.
The estate comprises 172 homes in 16 4-storey blocks. It overlooks Maryon park to the West and the Thames barrier to the North and is adjacent to the Morris Walk estate which is also earmarked for demolition.

Outline permission granted in 2015 for 165 new homes, with just 35% affordable of which 70% affordable rent. The estate is being redeveloped in a joint venture between Greenwich Council and developer Lovell
The Mayors report approving the application acknowledges that there will be a net loss of 108 social rented units.

It also acknowledges that the replacement 'social' housing will be 'affordable rent' in tenure - i.e. up to 80% market rents.
Despite being granted outline planning in 2015, detailed applications for the scheme are still pending and the estate is still fully occupied.
Greenwich Council's website says that it has no date for commencing the scheme and that it is 'continuing to put pressure on the developer' to bring the scheme forward.
Meanwhile, as of March 2023 the vast majority of homes on the estate have been left in a derelict state and subject to vandalism, as reported here.
Greenwich Council's website page with information about the scheme.