Green Man Lane estate, Ealing
464 homes on Ealing's Green Man Lane estate are earmarked for demolition.
The Green Man Lane estate regeneration is a joint venture between Ealing Council, developer Rydon and A2Dominion housing association involving the phased demolition of the estate's 464 homes in four phases over 10 years.
Ealing Council describes the replacement social housing as 'affordable rent' tenure, which can mean anything up to 80% market rent.

In December 2016, Ealing granted planning permission for phase 3 of the regeneration. There are no publicly available section 106 agreements for the scheme so it is not possible to confirm the precise tenure of the replacement 'affordable' housing.
Phase 4 (the final phase) of the scheme was approved in January 2023.
There is no information relating to a right to return for tenants or leaseholders. In any event, Ealing's shared equity offer to leaseholders requires them to invest their personal savings and take out a mortgage if they want to take up the offer.
This was deemed unlawful by the Secretary of State at the 2015 Aylesbury estate CPO inquiry and required Southwark to amend its policy.