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Clapham Park estate, Lambeth

864 homes are earmarked for demolition on Lambeth's Clapham Park estate.

Lambeth Borough Council transferred the estate housing stock to Metropolitan over a decade ago. To date, more than 500 homes have been built and 700 refurbished under the original 2008 masterplan.

In 2017 Metropolitan applied to extend the scheme to include demolition of futher buildings in a revised masterplan.

The new scheme is being funded by the Mayor but hasn't been exempted from his requirement to ballot residents.

In March 2018, Lambeth approved the revised masterplan which allows the demolition of the remaining homes on the estate an their replacement with 2,532 new homes.

In the Mayor's July 2019 planning report approving the scheme, it is argued that a ballot is not required because the original scheme was approved before his ballot requirement became effective in 2018.

The Mayor's report also says that the scheme will replace the estate's original 1,448 social rented homes with 1,680 new social rented homes. But the section 106 legal agreement allows these to be provided at 'London Affordable Rent' levels rather than social rent.


GLA stage 1 and stage 2 reports

Planning application documents