Mills Grove & Westhorpe Gdns estate, Barnet
102 homes on Barnet's Mills Grove and Westhorpe estate have been demolished.
In November 2018 Landlord Metropolitan Housing Association balloted residents on the redevelopment of the estate. 66% of eligible residents voted, with 75% voting in favour.
In June 2019, the Mayor gave provisional approval to the demolition of 102 homes on the two neighbouring estates. The Mayor's report says that the scheme complies with his minimum 50% affordable housing requirement and that there will be no net loss of social rented accommodation.
The planning documents show that while there will be a net increase of 3 social rented homes, there will be a net loss of 3,738 square metres of social rented floorspace because the replacement homes will be smaller.

There is no publicly available section 106 agreement on Barnet's planning portal so it is impossible to confirm whether the replacement 'social' housing has been secured as social rent in perpetuity or affordable rent (up to 80% market rent).