Marian Court estate, Hackney
75 homes have been demolished on Hackney's Marian Court estate in Homerton.
Both Marian Court and the adjacent Brige House site were earmarked for redevelopment by Hackney Council in a joint venture with developer Austringer Capital.
The adjacent Bridge House has been demolished and is nearing completion but the Marion Court site is still partially occupied while Hack
The Mayor's May 2018 stage 1 planning report for the scheme says that his ballot requirement is not applicable because Hackney is not seeking grant funding.

However, the scheme is listed in the Mayor's funding register as having been subsequently awarded grant funding in November 2018.
The plans approved the demolition of Marian Court and the construction of 160 new homes, of which 32 social rented.
In February 2021, Hackney Council came under fire in February after bulldozers started demolishing one of the Marian Court blocks with a family still living in one of the flats.